lucky fast food

"The catering market will pull itself out": the Russian fast food industry predicted prosperity

In the near future, Russian fast food establishments will have much more development prospects than restaurants. Sergey Mironov, the ombudsman of the Moscow restaurant market, told Vechernaya Moscow about the changes that will take place in the field of public catering in the Russian Federation.

Currently, two main factors have a negative impact on the Russian restaurant market: the appreciation of the dollar and the destruction of logistics chains. The situation with fast food establishments is completely different: they use a limited number of ingredients, most of which are purchased in Russia, explained the interlocutor of "VM". In addition, the influx of customers to fast food outlets contributes to a decrease in the solvency of the population.

- Fast food now has the best prospects in the field of catering. Such establishments use a limited number of ingredients. Moreover, fast food is initially designed for cheap and, as a rule, Russian products. The same McDonald's and Burger King buy only domestic products. There are also problems with the solvency of the population. When prices jump up, people can't spend money in restaurants. If fast food "catches" some global problems, then it will do it last. It is quite possible that such establishments, on the contrary, will begin to grow due to the pullback of consumers down," Mironov said.

Restaurateurs are currently going through a bad period, but global changes in this area are also not expected. In the near future, logistics supply chains will be modified: some ingredients used for cooking will be replaced with others, the expert explained.

- Restaurateurs change some ingredients for others or remove dishes from the menu, but there will be no global change in the long term. These are all temporary moments. The products of some countries are changing to the products of others. Logistics chains have collapsed now, but after some time they will be rebuilt. From some states, products will go through others—" he said.

According to the interlocutor of "VM", going to a restaurant will become a luxury for Russians only in the short term. The catering market will "pull itself out", and the situation will gradually stabilize, he believes.
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