Address to restaurateurs


Sergey Mironov addressed the professional community. The founder of Meat & Fish shared with his colleagues his vision of the situation in which the industry found itself due to coronavirus. And he proposed a set of measures designed to help the restaurant business.

'Our business is literally on the verge of life and death: the drop in revenue and guests in some restaurants is no longer 70%, as just yesterday, but all 90. I didn 't think I would ever say it, but without state support in the restaurant industry in Russia it will be possible to put a cross.

We are without five minutes bankrupt: on salaries of employees, purchase of products, payments on loans and settlements with landlords of money we simply do not have.

Restaurants are empty, but I do not do nothing: I write letters to ministers, I go on meetings, meetings, the working groups. I prove the need for urgent support of our industry. Personally, I believe that the following measures should be taken immediately:

1. To exempt catering enterprises from the obligations to pay all types of taxes by the end of 2020.

2. To consolidate at the legislative level the spread of new coronavirus infection (2019- nCoV) an extraordinary and inevitable circumstance for catering enterprises, which is a circumstance of force majeure.

3. To establish at the legislative level the right granted to catering enterprises during the high-readiness regime to suspend the conduct of commercial activities in the premises rented by them. At the same time, prohibit leaseholders of premises from imposing any type of sanctions on catering enterprises for the suspension of business activities.

4. Set holidays until September 01, 2020 on rent payments of the hospitality industry, catering enterprises renting premises of federal, regional, municipal and commercial property.

5. Provide interest-free loans to needy catering enterprises by issuing them by state banks, preferential delay on payment of existing loans, overdraft for 6 months.

Only with timely state support will our industry get a chance to stand and sooner or later recover from the end of the pandemic.
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