Composed success


The restaurateur has to do what is pleasant to him
Communication of the concept of an institution with room space where it is located, undoubtedly, exists – though I cannot tell that for hundred percent a straight line, and to choose the concept, is exclusive proceeding from the area, I after all would not advise. Much more important the area in which the restaurant, its potential target audience, the consumer on whom it finally is oriented opens. Estimate that is located around – logistics of this place. Because the area is not a key factor when choosing "idea". And the most important – kind of it sounded! – the restaurateur first of all has to do what is pleasant to him. What he will be able really to make. And not that it is just necessary to do.
"Restaurant" and "banquet room" — two different concepts
Today, for example, many consider that at the small restaurant it is necessary to hold banquets.
But in my opinion, restaurant and the banquet room — in general two absolutely different concepts and any their association are rather problematic.
The banquet room involves a set of nuances: special music, existence of a scene, a projector is desirable. In it chairs and tables are in a different way placed, landing has to allow guests to look in one point. Therefore the room has to have the correct form — that it was possible to arrange correctly all these tables.
Besides, the banquet room works in one format, with one schedule and the number of personnel, and restaurant — in essentially other key. If the restaurant is a daily work and permanent regular staff, then for "banketnik" in general people on an outsource are more necessary. And when you try "to marry" two of these concepts, inevitably receive problems.
Another matter when at restaurant is in addition both the banquet room, and the main area is not closed "under a banquet", then — yes, it has the right for existence and will bring additional income. If at restaurant, except the basic, there is other hall which works as full restaurant too, but at the same time is easily transformed to banquet, then he can become an additional source of earnings.
And to do restaurant which at the same time both restaurant, and "banketnik", it is simply unprofitable — because there guests will not go, constantly coming across the closed banquet doors. And in days when there are neither guests, nor banquets, the restaurant will hold the huge number of people necessary for its daily functioning, at the same time standing idle.
Therefore for advance of banquets optimum — to have the additional hall. The main hall of restaurant cannot be closed on a banquet in any way, otherwise you risk to lose all guests.
For advance of banquets at restaurant it is necessary to have the additional hall. The main hall cannot be closed on a banquet, otherwise there is a risk to lose all guests.

Offices as main engine of restaurants
Big restaurants I would have more likely in the center: in "sleeping bags" to bring people on the big square always rather difficult. But in the center other cost of rent. Therefore everything anyway depends on the concept
and specifics of the area. And the dormitory area can be very "expensive". Then it is possible that the restaurant will also exist perfectly there.
But the main engine is offices and a flow of people, but not houses. Where near their your restaurant will be more, there it definitely and waits for success.
Therefore you should not place restaurant in houses absolutely — I think, it is not necessary to explain why. It is a huge problem! And from year to year laws become in this respect tougher.
The second problem — the same remote districts of the city. I consider, it is necessary to choose "проходняк" and to go there — with the emphasis on the advantageous concept which you intend to say there. But there are no uniform recipes!
The main engine is offices and a flow of people, but not houses. Where near their your restaurant will be more, there it definitely and waits for success.

If to open at the station, for example, the budgetary restaurant of Russian cuisine with Russian cabbage soup and borsches, there the restaurateur will have "bitok" and affairs will go perfectly. And if to put in the same place cool gastronomic restaurant — even taking into account a stream! — it will be empty.
General "idea", "vital credo" of your restaurant have to be ground also under people that will surely find to you the road.
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